New partners in Europe
Autometrix Inc. is pleased to announce our new partners in distribution, Dorey from France. For 60 years, the company Dorey has been manufacturing, advising, adapting and servicing industrial machinery offered to its customers in various sectors. Founded by Georges Dorey, the company first grew in the shoe and leather industries by following the technological changes of its time for the manufacturers of the whole world. Today, Jean-Louis Dorey directs the company, and its principal activity is the design of industrial solutions for the cutting and the assembly of flexible or semi-rigid materials.
Paying attention to customer needs
Dorey shares Autometrix Inc’s philosophy of paying close attention to the needs and success of their customers. Their team consists of skilled and forward-thinking engineers and service staff. They listen to their clients and help them realize their projects and work to exceed all expectations. The Dorey team studies the current process of manufacturing of their clients and provide value added solutions and present new and cutting edge opportunities most suitable to the business. Autometrix is confident in having our cutting, patterning and digitizing solutions well represented in Europe with Dorey as they provide the same quality of attention and advisement to prospective clients in every industry.

Autometrix distributors around the world
Autometrix Inc. has clients all around the world since our first international customer, Andrea Mura Sail Design from Italy purchased an Autocut M4000 in 1995. As the the global economy map is shrinking and Autometrix is expanding, we have established partnerships in strategic regions around the world. We hope to provide more accessibility to our products and experienced automation specialists who can understand your needs and suggest solutions best suited to you.
Here are some of our sales and distribution partners near you:
Sankei Corporation – Japan ~ Bleuciel – Philippines ~ Ultracut Industries – Australia ~ Fibermaq – Brazil

Contact us or one of our partners near you today and ask how we can help you increase your production efficiencies as well as profitability.