At Autometrix, we love to hear about our customers’ successes. Cut Form LLC is one of those customer stories where a business owner used his Autometrix cutting table to expand and transform his business, with great success. It started with curiosity. When you talk to Ryan Joaquim, President and Owner of Cut Form LLC, you can tell that he likes to innovate and test limits.
Testing the Limits of the Cutting Table
Drill Team Uniform by Cheers etc
Not satisfied with a profitable drill team manufacturing business, Joaquim was curious about what else Cut Form’s Autometrix fabric cutting machine could do. He started experimenting. “I push the limits of what the machine can do,” said Joaquim. “I’ve cut just about every material possible, including carpet.” This experimentation led to a new line of business – cutting for hire.
Helping Other Businesses
Now Cut Form helps small businesses scale their production up to the next level. They also help businesses that work with expensive materials (like leather) save money through precision cutting. His customers come from a wide range of industries: leather handbags and accessories, outdoor supplies, boots and shoes, signage, banners and custom display, therapeutic medical devices, sports training products, and even aerospace! Additionally, Cut Form now manufactures and sells their own leather and canvas products.
“I had a customer ask me about my cutter. If you want something that can cut a variety, including leather, and will be possibly half the cost, get an Autometrix cutter. It gets the job done with a pretty economical footprint.”
~Ryan Joaquim
Punching Holes
Auto Nesting for Leather
We love their sense of humor!
Made Possible by Autometrix
Cut Form’s Autometrix Radium fabric cutting table made it all possible. “Without the machine, I couldn’t have a business,” said Joaquim. “I’ve maxed out the amount my business can grow with the cutting service. Now we’re adding more services to increase revenue.”