Psssst! Exciting news update about our PatternSmith Cutting Solutions Software.

Fresh off the press, here is an unedited excerpt from our CTO’s monthly report to the company about our propriety cutting solutions software:


PatternSmith 8.2 PatternSmith 8.2

Our Software Manager Stu has already provided an update on progress in the Software world, but I wanted to emphasize how responsive the Software team is capable of being – 8.2 has a number of important features for all of our users, but we were also able to sneak in a couple very specific features that will allow a few customers to change the way they use their equipment for the better.





PatternSmith 8.2-Slicer
Slicer Slicer

This is a beautifully updated version of our Slicer plugin – anyone making large products that require multiple widths of their material will absolutely benefit from using this software






SpeedLoader in Action
SpeedLoader SpeedLoader

This is the barcode/QR code file-loading system we’ve initially built for a specific customer, but it has broad application for any of our customers – especially if they’re process includes work orders. Now, a simple scan of a barcode will load the appropriate cut file, and if there’s a nest ready to go, it will go ahead and send it to their cutter, just waiting for a user to press «start».



Go ahead Ask Us more about these great updates or download the PatternSmith 8.2 Free Trial