Many as thick as 12 to 14 layers. When you’re cutting that much, precision and reliability are
paramount. There’s simply no room in the day for wasted time and materials. That’s why
Interstate Foam turned to Autometrix over 10 years ago. And why they have continued to
partner with us through the years.

are on display every day at Interstate Foam — From
Autometrix’s intuitive PatternSmith design software enabling
easy pattern creation and importing to the flawless final
product coming off the cutting table.

feet of materials are cut. Many as thick as 12 to 14 layers. When
you’re cutting that much, precision and reliability are paramount.
There’s simply no room in the day for wasted time and materials.
That’s why Interstate Foam turned to Autometrix over 10
years ago. And why they have continued to partner with us
through the years.