How many co-workers do you have who are in a Hall of Fame? The answer might surprise you. Steve Nicholson, Software Developer at Autometrix, might look like your average engineer. He might stand out a little for his stellar math skills. Precision cutting requires a lot of math, and Steve was hired in part because of his passion for math. Steve was first hired to work on our hot and extremely popular digitizing solution CADShot Mobile. But not many of his co-workers know that Steve is in the Sacramento Music Hall of Fame (presented by the SAMMIES -Sacramento Area Music Awards) for playing bass with the band The Ultra Violets!
Thanks to Steve, awning manufacturers can now make and cut patterns on fabric cutting tables for both round and gabled marquee awnings.
By day, Steve updates software for Autometrix, adding features and models for popular programs like Eclipse, which allows users to easily create patterns for awnings. Thanks to Steve, awning manufacturers can now make and cut patterns on fabric cutting tables for both round and gabled marquee awnings. “I’ve always liked being able to write software that made something happen in the real world,” said Steve. “Writing stuff like databases that just stay in a computer is not that interesting to me.” Steve played a key role in a major collaboration between Autometrix and Trivantage to bring seamless solutions to awning designers.
But after hours, Steve turns back into a musician, singing in a local choral group, playing electric and upright bass for theatrical productions, and even rocking out in a cover band that plays hits from the 60s and 70s. He also co-owns a veterinary clinic with his wife, Mimi, where he puts his mad math skills to use keeping the books.

Although Steve’s co-workers may not know about his double life, they like and appreciate Steve the Software Developer. Steve’s manager, Stuart McCarley, is glad to have Steve on board for many reasons. “Steve thinks beyond himself or the group that he is part of to the community level,” said McCarley. “That’s a real gift. He washes the dishes left in the sink when no one is looking! He makes Autometrix a better place to work.” Thanks Steve!
Would you like to work with Steve at Autometrix? The typical positions we look for are Software Developers, Electrical and Mechanical Engineers & Technicians, Production Techs, Installers, Regional Automation Sales Professionals with National and International experience, to name a few. Send us your resume!